October 27, 2009


marie said...

for a moment i thought that pair of slim legs belonged to you. scary.

SL said...

where is this? so interesting!

Debra said...

is this the new books actually????

mbtm said...

BooksActually and Polymath&Crust have morphed into a standalone shop, 3 storeys of books and interesting knickknacks.

Woodsinthebooks is a bookstore that sells children books and i believe is also under the same people that run BooksActually.

Both shops are around Club street, it's fascinating so do visit!

mbtm said...

And for those intending to drop by and feeling generous, i'm eyeing the Tintin collection from Woodsinthebooks and HenriCartierBresson's 'Scrapbook' from BooksActually. A big thank you! haha!

Joyce said...

LOVE THE PLACE!! let's go back le's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back

Debra said...

Niceee,they certainly maintained the same cosy quirk as their previous two homes.
particularly interested in Woodsinthebooks, pretty sure they carry some nice children books.
will definitely pop by one day!